Controlling one's emotions is vital for every Forex trader. Here you will find the free e-books about Forex trading psychology and emotion control in the financial trading. You will learn how to calm yourself and set the long-term goals in your trading. Recommended for all traders.
Almost all Forex e-books are in .pdf format. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these e-books. Some of the e-books (those that are in parts) are zipped.
A Course in Miracles — A Christian view on the probability by unknown author.
Thoughts on Trading — Some general thoughts about financial trading by Joe Ross.
Calming The Mind So That Body Can Perform — by Robert M. Nideffer, Ph.D.
Emotion Free Trading — "How to consistently act in your own best interest with your off-the-floor trading!" by Larry Levin.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Pipped — by Rob Booker & Kim Shaftner, M.D.
The Miracle of Discipline — by W.R. Booker & Co.
Zoom in on Personal Trading Behavior And Profit from It — by Linda Bradford Raschke.
The Woodchuck and the Possum — by Rob Booker.
25 Rules Of Forex Trading Discipline — by Douglas E. Zalesky.
Stop Losses Are For Sissies — by W. R. Brooker & Co. - a rather descriptive evidence of how important stop losses in Forex trading are.
Your Personality and Successful Trading — by Windsor Advisory Services - describes and discusses almost all psychological and emotional aspects of financial trading.